DevOps Services 

DevOps is an increasingly common approach to agile software development that developers and operations teams use to build, test, deploy and monitor applications with speed, quality and control. Hula Cloud Services provides the following services to help with the operational optimization of your clouds.

• DevOps as a Service Our DevOps as a Service solution automates the processes in your software delivery lifecycle to improve collaboration, monitoring, management, and reporting. We build infrastructures that are fully compliant and safe from external threats or data breaches that will improve your new product velocity and business agility.

• Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines A modern CI/CD pipeline are table stakes for efficient software product delivery. We can help you automate your software delivery process to initiate automatic build, test, and deploy as your code changes. This is essential to achieving improved release frequency and quality.

• Containers get software to run reliably when moved from one computing environment to another by packaging the software in a way that isolates it from variations in runtime environments. We can develop your container strategy to help you deploy software quickly and efficiently.
• Microservices architecture decomposes your apps into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be developed, tested, and scaled independently. We can help you use microservices to build highly scalable environments and support continuous delivery.

• Infrastructure automation Build, automate, manage, and support cloud infrastructures, and implement change, configuration, and service catalog management. 

Connect with us

Please write us at any time you would have any kind of concern or question. We would enjoy to help you.

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